I honestly couldnt really bring myself to finish this even though I played through over half of it, I think? The gameplay is fun but it's incredibly easy. The characters are cute and all and I did enjoy some interactions, but I'd like to scoop them up and put them in a game with better writing.

The version favoritism was very obvious here, which is a shame when you're splitting your game into 3 pieces and trying to profit off them. It's an incomplete game because you make your choice at the register, and the things its supposed to contrast with aren't available unless you buy all the parts.

The good parts of this game are wasted on it. Even if it were a complete game, it still wouldn't be very well written. The weird loophole they give you for justifying incest with your player character is story breaking imo and is the icing on this rancid cake. If you were held at gunpoint and forced to pick one of the fates games to play, pick Conquest at least.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2021
