Wait, how the fuck are you supposed to play this game?

I don't understand any card games as a kid so playing this game consisted of me just dicking around with the cards. It's not very fun.

Whenever I want to quit the game I usually just make the bear jump into a ledge to have its snout land face-first into the ground for instant death, it's honestly the best part of the game.

I must have completed this game at least ten times as a kid. Weirdly addicting gameplay.

Honestly still pissed that a bug in this game prevented me from collecting one piece of food to fully master this game. Also submerging Garfield underwater to have him irritatingly meow is hilarious. That doesn't make a psychopath, though, right?

Who else intentionally fucked up their dish to have Mama lost her shit and get mad at the end? No? Just me? Okay...


As a cat lover I can attest that this game sucks. Get a real cat instead.


Is it just me or did Mater felt like the best car to race? Every other car didn't feel as robust to play.

Still pissed that increasing the price of lemonade by only $0.50 made me lose all the customers.

Why Becoming a Waiter Sucks: The Game

Really fond memories of playing this as a kid, that's all.

Wait, how the fuck are you supposed to play this game? (2)

7-year-old me thought spraying the cat with the anti-bug can to have it paralyzed is the pinnacle of comedy.

This game made me realize that I have a weird obsession with games involving breaking things, which led me to discover Smash Hit.

Who else farted into the microphone to have Tom emulate the sound of your farting? No? Just me? Okay...