I'm gonna say this, while the story is enjoyable, I'm really confused as to how some people find this game better than the Persona and SMT stories.

The good thing about full body is if you're playing in Japanese, you can select the voice of Catherine to be any of the girls from Persona 3-5.
For me, Catherine full body is a fun puzzle game with a funny story, and an ok Multiplayer mode.

The only big con is Vincent is a garbage character. I don't care if you want to say " he's realistic and he has more "depth" than the Persona and smt protags"

While the protags in Persona don't talk, with aspects like the animes (being the most accurate) and manga (Though it varies), they still show a ray of emotions, that are likable. There are certain things that happen around them that in the anime they react to weirdly, and could get a negative reaction from viewer. However to contrast that is the games which is player choice.

Vincent is just an awful person all around. He's in a loveless romance with a beautiful girlfriend, Katherine. And while he doesn't cheat, he still doesn't even try to come forward and tell Katherine up until the breaking point.

I got the ending with Catherine which I enjoyed heavily.

However the amount of levels is really long and repetitive. And the questions at the end of each level somehow lead to a ending. Which I'm happy I ended up with the ending I did. But for the other endings, I did not care to play through this game again. I know about the Rin ending, personally I don't care to see those ending, because of how repetitive I found the levels to be, and having to go through all the questions again just to see a 5 minute cutscene (especially on the Switch where there are no trophies to obtain) so at that point just watch the other endings on YouTube.

The game is great if you want difficult puzzle solving game with a fun story, and an unlikable protag who only redeems himself mostly by some of the endings. Hes still an asshole , fuck Vincent. Rin is cute. His friends are really great characters.
Love Catherine and Katherine tho.

Still I can't give this more than 2.5

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2022


You think Vincent was an asshole? I thought Katherine was an asshole lmao

1 year ago

I agree with this. I think that Vincent was intentionally written to be unlikable; it makes the game feel less misogynistic because we aren't supposed to support him. Also, as you said idk how people can like Vincent more than Persona or SMT protags. Vincent's character development is necessary given how short the game is. SMT/Persona are longggggg games where the character development happens more organically, and their quirks make each one likeable to some extent. Even if they do have "less" character development, because the games are so long, there's more of a real attachment. This game isn't really comparable to any other Atlus games, or games in general. Though what makes this game great (for me) isn't the story, it's the unique puzzle gameplay