Very boring yet and long game. The part beginning of the game really feels great to experience the city when Mr Incredible and Elastagirl were young. When the game hits the modern era is when things take a down hill turn. So Dash's Missions can be boiled down to " get from Point A to Point B without crashing into stuff" while very fun, but can getting really boring. Also the fact you can only play as dash in these types of missions, and not in combat missions Is really stupid, as well as the Hamster Ball Level with Dash and Violet.

The game has combat sections with the same repetitive enemies, that gets extremely boring over time. Even mini bosses are boring to fight. Even though they did add "depth" to the levels from settings and locations in the movie, it gets really boring after a while. The bosses are fun, yet again really boring, especially because of the 4 (there might be more but I just remember 4) being Bon Voyage who shoots you with a rocket launcher, and the 3 Omnidroid fights, one of which is just a Quick time event. The first omnidroid fight is really fun, the second one is just the same except instead of a blue visor omnidroid It's RED OMG, still exactly the same fight. The Last "fight" is literally push the button at the right time and you win. The end.

The game uses shorten down scenes from the movie, which it is a movie tie in game, though would've been better if they just made in-game cutscenes, instead of just putting scenes from the movie. If I wanted to watch the movie, I could put it on Disney plus.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2022
