Jurassic Park: The Game is essentially: JURASSIC PARK - THE PRE-SEQUEL, taking place during and after Jurassic Park 1.

The game is essentially made to answer a question left by the original movie, that being what happened to the Dinosaur embryos stolen and later lost by Dennis Nedry.
Now obviously most of us just assumed, "the capsules expired and thats that."
But apparently no, because this game exists to answer these questions.

Now the issue is to ask whether or not this can be considered canon to the movies. If you want to consider this possible you can as theres evidence stacked for it, but also against it.
It's sort of a 3 way cross roads, best way to look at it would be to look at 3 different possibilities based on your preferences of movies:

1. You like Jurassic Park only (Not the sequels nor Jurassic World) - then noncanon as mentioning Sarah Harding would be pointless Jurassic Park Lost World makes this noncanon.

2. You Like the Original Trilogy - Yes this can be canon because Sarah Harding existing in the second movie and this game slots into an area to where the canon works and flows fine.

3. You Like Jurassic Park and Jurassic World Trilogy - Canon don't really need to explain, it doesn't contradict anything that happens in this area.

(Reason I mention Sarah Harding is because in this game the main characters are Dr Gerry Harding and Jessica Harding, who are family members of Sarah, with Gerry being her father and Jess being her half sister.)

The story of the game is broken up into 5 episodes, essentially breaking the experience up in that typical TELLTALES style.
This essentially is just like BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE GAME however not as good.

Back to the Future The Game felt like a nice edition and feels it can slot perfectly into the BTTF franchise as it takes place after PART 3, this just feels like its tacked on to answer a question most audiences assumed the answer to already.

It's sort of like answering the question in the movie Se7en, where they directly tell you what's in the box and most audiences know as well (except for morons who say "WELL THEY DIDN'T SHOW IT" even though they LITERALLY said it).
And instead they make a game about SE7EN where they explain that inside the box was an ass instead of a head.

The game has characters who essentially are trying to survive the current and post events of the first film.

Dr Gerry and Jessica are the protagonist and are father and daughter. Gerry is considered a father who's never there, while Jessica is just a typical teenager, though she can be very sweet and likable.

There's Nima, whos a mercenary hired to find the Embryos with Miles Chadwick and to see what happened to Dennis Nedry. She's doing this all to gain money and save her daughter from poverty. The reason she's in proverty is because Nima is actually a member of a tribe who was on the island before InGen took it over and forced the people out.

Billy Yoder who is a InGen Mercenary hired to save the hardings, professor Sorkin, and Nima with the help of his mercenary friend Oscar. He is killed during the final episode when his greed gets the best of him after going crazy when Oscar dies. This gets him killed by the T-rex.

Oscar Morales is an InGen Mercenary who was apart of the same mercs who removed Nima's tribe from the island originally, Nima despises him. Oscar has a final chance to atone for his sins by saving the group by allowing himself to be attacked by velociraptors.

Dr Sorkin - Scientist who was actually suppose to be the head of the scientific division of Jurassic Park. Essentially she wanted to use the complete DNA of the Dinosaurs in order to bring back proper ones, instead of replacing the DNA with something else. If you know Jurassic Park, you'll know that Dr. Henry Wu used frog DNA instead of the complete DNA, and the reason why the dinosaurs end up laying eggs is because Frogs can go through a process protogyny.

(protogyny- The condition in which an organism begins life as a female and then changes into a male.)

Dr Sorkin wants to protect the dinosaurs and island however attempts to screw over the group, and for her reward she gets killed by a Tylosaurus (giant water dino).

The story reveals that the embryos are intacted and the entire game is essentially the group attempting to get help off the island.
We find out... SURPRISE... or I guess surprise? Dennis Nedry is... dead. I mean we all knew, though I loved the idea the actor for Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) had for Jurassic World:

"It was small dinosaur and a big meal."

His Idea essentially was Nedry survived his attack and he essentially had lost an eye and an arm, and would have an eye patch. Sadly we never got this glorious idea.

Anyway the group consists of Gerry, Jessica, Nima, Billy, and Oscar as they find ways to get off the island. They meet Laura Sorkin who tells them some backstory and information and how some of the deaths of the mercs sent with Billy and Oscar were her fault. Oscar sacrifices himself to save the group. Sorkin dies by the very things she was attempting to protect. And Billy dies during the final portions of the game, where the group is about to get on a boat to escape only for Billy to turn crazy after Oscars death and threaten Gerry, Jess, and Nima. A T-rex shows up and Gerry kicks the barbasol embryo can into the edge of the ocean, Billy chases after it only for the T-Rex to kill him. The embryos are fine until you have to make a POINTLESS decision to either have Nima attempt to get the embryos or let the Trex step on the embryo.

If you choose to save the embryos... CONGRATS Nima dies and the embryos expire. Not only that the game ends with Gerry saying that "Theres a little girl we're going to visit." (implying he's probably going to adopt Nima's Daughter.)

If you choose to let the embryos get destroyed... congrats Nima, Gerry, and Jess all get off the island, Nima sad that she would have any money to help her daughter... except Jess finds in the back of the boat a bag of money... SO WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EVER CHOOSE THE BAD ENDING.
Unless you don't like the character of Nima.

The Telltale has this formula that to this day is in my opinion a detriment to their episodic style as most of things that happen within the game, your choices and decisions in the long run don't mean anything other than "a character will remember that" or something you did previously in a previous episode will come back to help or haunt you. However here, they legit don't matter other than if you want to see Nima Die or not. Jess nor Gerry can every CANONICALLY die in the game, as there are many quicktime events where they can die. And characters who are SUPPOSE TO DIE are only allowed canonically to die within what TELLTALE wants them to die to.
Even though this is an early TELLTALE Game this is a flaw that continued for most of their games even though they did improve with it.

I think games that did the decision system better was Detroit Become Human, Until Dawn, Heavy Rain, and Mass Effect (1 and 2, not Vanilla 3). As the narrative continues even with the death of a main character.

Still though it's fine for what it is. Nothing special though, not as good as BTTF nor anywhere near WOLF AMONG US or WALKING DEAD.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2022
