Overwatch 2016

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Time Played


Platforms Played


Not much use in my usual style of review here since it's no longer playable, so to sum it up:

It was pretty fun to dip into every now and then and play with friends. I would get burnt out after a couple hours of playing so I could never do it more intensively, but I enjoyed it casually. It sucks that it's no longer playable and I frankly can't comprehend the decision to do the 'sequel' this way at all, but so it goes I guess. Lucio was great, graphics were sleek, the diversity in character ethnicities etc. was refreshing, and I liked the medal system post-game.

Was getting sick of the fact that most of the Overwatch women had the same fuckin' face by the end of it though. How the same company that can come up with both Roadhog and Torbjorn can't break out of their copy-pasted skinny hourglass girls I have no clue.

Favourite Male Character: Lucio
Favourite Female Character: Symmetra, Pharah
First Character I Liked: Mercy
Favourite OST: Numbani
Favourite Character Design: Symmetra
Favourite Scene: N/A
Least Favourite Character: None