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I have pretty mixed feelings on this one. I still enjoy it, it was still fun to play through the first time, but by the end I was so burnt out on the repetitive missions. The character missions were fun, but to get to each one you have to first make your way through about 20 different "Go here and kill aliens", "Go here and kill aliens some more", "Go and hack something while killing aliens", "Go and protect your companion by killing aliens while they hack something". It was a serious chore.

Graphics aged fine, though they're not much better than Saints Row: The Third's already were. Soundtrack is good, but again a step down from The Third in my opinion.

The general tone is a little disconnected from what I like about the series. I liked that The Third was still somewhat grounded in reality and centering around gang wars and street crime etc., while IV is completely gone from all of that and is full sci-fi and aliens and spaceships and... it's fine, I can vibe with it, it's just not what I was into the series for.

Ultimately, it's decent fun to play through when I'm in the mood for it, but when I replay the series I tend to skip this one.

Favourite Male Character: Matt
Favourite Female Character: Asha
First Character I Liked: Pierce
Favourite Character Design: Matt
Favourite OST: TBA
Favourite Moment: Reuniting with Johnny
Least Favourite Character: Zinyak