It's alright for what it is. It's too short and fast-moving for you to develop any kind of emotional investment or connection with the characters, but it does have some interesting ideas - the game revolving around a location rather than a character, each story tying into one another in some way, the potential callbacks to Season 1 (such as the possibility of running into Carley or Doug's body in Russell's story), the glimpse at different points in the post-apocalyptic timeline including the very first moments of the breakout, etc.

However, I'd go as far as to say the DLC was sold on false pretenses - I recall TellTale promoting it by claiming your choices would heavily impact Season 2, and that the characters' stories would serve as prologues to pivotal people in the sequel. This is really only true for a single character (who happened to be my least favourite), and even then the effects are utterly irrelevant. The rest pop up for a second each in one episode of Season 2, if they're lucky they get a throwaway line of useless dialogue for the sake of it, and then they disappear forever.

It does have some neat protagonists, though, and it does pretty well at making each story feel unique and distinct in tone and concept. My personal favourites to play through were probably Vince's and Russell's, though Wyatt's dynamic with Eddie really brought his up.

It's 100% skippable without missing anything, but if you have the Definitive Edition and it's included anyway, it's worth giving it a shot for the sake of it.

Favourite Male Character: Vince
Favourite Female Character: Stephanie
First Character I Liked: Vince
Favourite Character Design: Vince
Favourite Moment: I thought the shootout with Russell and Nate vs. the diner inhabitants was pretty fun
Least Favourite Character: Bonnie

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023
