One of my least favourite Telltale games I've played, beating out only Minecraft: Story Mode.

To preface, I was never much a fan of Game of Thrones - you'd think I would be, because I love the general dark fantasy setting and the complex world-building, but every time I attempted to watch the show I was just bored out of my mind and didn't click with any of the characters. That said, Telltale has pulled me in with IPs I didn't like before, so I gave it a shot.

I do like it better than the show, so there's that, but it's just so shallow and dragged-out. Really wasn't a fan of the visual style they went with in this one, and although I'd usually advocate for Telltale to give their games more than 5 episodes, the fact that this is the one that got 6 is annoying because by the end of it I was wishing it would hurry up and be over already. I absolutely dread replaying it for that reason.

I enjoyed Asher and Beskha, Gared and his Night Watch brothers' dynamic was fun (particularly Gared and Cotter), and I liked the Ethan twist at the end of Episode 1. That's pretty much it. Everything else was a borderline chore to wade through.

(Sidenote I include with all Telltale reviews, though it's less apt for this one as The Enemy Within has plenty of more obvious changes: Telltale's games often get a bad rap for having your choices not influence the story, but to me this misses the point of what they do. Variant endings are a nice bonus in games, and I enjoy them when they do pop up in Telltale's stories, but for the most part your choices aren't here to change where you go. They're there to change how you get there, who you are when you get there, and often who you get there with. They influence and change your relationships with the characters around you. The joy of replaying these games is to experience the different dialogue, the different reactions to you, the different routes you can take on the way, the different bonds you can evolve with people - not to have a wildly different ending. I think this aspect is overhated and sadly misunderstood by a lot of players, so if huge, game-changing differences are what you're looking for, I'd temper your expectations.)

Favourite Male Character: Asher
Favourite Female Character: Beskha
First Character I Liked: Ramsay
Favourite Character Design: Gwyn
Favourite Moment: Asher and Beskha's escape from the Legion(? can't for the life of me remember their name) at the start of their first appearance was fun
Least Favourite Character: Ludd and Gryff

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023
