GRAPHICS: Good quality by visual novel standards. The CG quality can vary slightly but never dips into anything less than good, and there are some genuinely beautiful moments (revenants dissolving into petals comes to mind).
CHARACTERS: There's a good variety of options here, and almost every character has some sort of backstory reveal or twist that connects them to the broader plot, which I really enjoyed. I went into it assuming that Isora would be my favourite, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by how much I loved all of the major characters -- Toa isn't far behind Isora, I loved Yua, and even Hino's route, a pretty typical 'childhood best friends to lovers' dynamic that usually struggles to hook me as much, was super endearing.
DIALOGUE: Well-written and engaging - I didn't notice any typos or errors in the translation that I can recall.
PLOT: This was genuinely very good. It felt like every time I thought the twists were over with and I knew everything, some other big and well-done revelation occurred. I went into it vaguely suspecting certain things (namely who the harmless revenant was), and I figured others out immediately (A-TO's identity), but there was so much here that sincerely surprised me in the best way. It all came together pretty well, and most of it felt well-earned and cleverly hinted at rather than out of the blue.
GAMEPLAY: It's a visual novel, so not much here. Read the text, click along, make occasional decisions that alter the route you're on and the ending you get.

Favourite Male Character: Isora
Favourite Female Character: Yua
First Character I Liked: Isora
Favourite Character Design: A-TO
Favourite Scene: [Redacted] dissolving after the A-TO concert in one ending
Least Favourite Character: Yasu

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023
