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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 16, 2022

Platforms Played


With its reputation as a studio killer, I went into Dead Space 3 suitably cautious, accompanied by a friend who I could laugh through the pain with. However now that the dust has settled and the lacklustre final boss defeated, the laughs dried out and frustrations vented. I've come to the conclusion that whilst Dead Space 3 may be a flawed game, it's still a fun one with the right company. The game's story is an incoherent mess and the characters even more so, with a succulent buffet of bugs around each corner being contrasted by some genuinely interesting ideas and crunchy combat mechanics. Don't get me wrong It's undoubtedly a shame and this series deserved a better send-off, but if you enjoyed the previous two entries you should be able to scrape some enjoyment out of this one too.