What can I say? I'm more of a FES guy.

I love Persona 3, it was the one that introduced me to Atlus and the excellent Persona/SMT franchise. And this version of P3 is still good, but I just don't feel that the female main character option puts it over the top for me. It was interesting playing her route, as it does offer a different perspective, but the lack of explorable/3D environments really brings this whole thing down. I just wasn't nearly as immersed in its minimalistic presentation.

If this was your introduction to P3, and you didn't play the original P3 or P3 FES, I could see where you might not know what you're missing, and still enjoy it... but with this being my 3rd time playing, it just didn't click with me like it did on the PS2.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2023
