And here it is!!! The legendary Devil May Cry 5! Talk about a night and day difference compared to DMC4, and much closer to the masterpiece that is DMC3!

This is the game where Nero officially comes into his own, and had me finally buy-in and recognize him as a worthy successor in the DMC franchise. I used to be all "Dante or bust", but Nero is a ton of fun to play in this game and is a great character in his own right.

The action gameplay has never been better - with 3 playable characters, and so many ways to play and look stylish. This surpasses even DMC3 in the action-gameplay department, a game I consider to be my all-time favorite action-game. I don't know how those madlads at Capcom did it... but they did! It is that damn good!

This game is pure adrenaline, action, badassery - gameplay triumphing over everything else! I LOVED it!

The only negative I can think of is that some of the late game locations start to look a little "samey" and I wasn't a huge fan of the level design in those areas.

Otherwise, this is a game for action game fans. I still think DMC3 is my favorite in the series, but this one is not far behind it...

A few quick bullet points
-- Do I actually prefer playing as Nero in this game over Dante?! Say it ain't so! Those Devil Breakers are just too much fun.
-- Devil Trigger song is GOAT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnAoq3_6f5M
-- Has one of the best usages of "FUCK YOU!" in a game ever... probably the all-time best.
-- Final boss fight is legendary and tons of fun!
-- Endlessly replayable with plenty of challenge and difficulty modes.
-- One of Capcom's best!

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
