This game is very unique, and there's no other way to play it than on DS. This game uses the DS's two screens for almost everything, whether it be battling as two characters at the same time or seeing two different perspectives in a cutscene, it's a very unique experience that you won't find on any of the watered down ports or middling sequel.
The personality of the game is also unmatched by any other I've played. TWEWY fully embraces the era it was released in, from how the characters talk, the at the time current trends, the art style, and even the overall soundtrack. It feels like a time capsule for the mid-late 2000s, and for me it creates a feeling of nostalgia.
The story is pretty good, but I didn't find it to be anything special. The biggest strength of the writing is how the characters are written. The main characters themselves feel very real, they aren't written with any specific tropes in mind, instead the game focuses on making sure that these characters feel like they've lived full lives before the game even started. Their history, their struggles, how they talk, the actions they choose, it all feels like something real people would do. This game doesn't rely on generic character tropes like newer characters from the remakes and sequel do.
Overall, TWEWY is a very unique product that I recommend everyone check out, and please play the original DS version if possible. It offers a unique experience in gameplay, aesthetic, and writing that I've never seen any other game offer.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
