I played this on my Xbox One S, but there was no platform option on my console, so the Xbox 360 was close enough.

I loved playing through Doom and I absolutely ADORE the soundtrack. I am definitely adding this to my Spotify playlist. I would give it a 5/5, however 1) sometimes on the easiest difficulty, I found it quite hard (but this is more of a skill issue 😆), and 2) I want to keep 5/5 rated games as my absolute favourites of all time.

I really need to play Doom II, 3, 64, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal now... I am HOOKED!

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2023


10 months ago

Welcome to the site! The "platform" field is kind of confusing; it's more like which version of the game you're playing. For instance, some games actually have completely different content depending on which platform version you're playing. If you're like me and want to capture as much data as possible, you can use the "Played On" field (if you're on mobile, you may need to expand the "Advanced" fieldset at the bottom of the "Log" modal) which will feed into your console tracking stats.

As a longtime Doom fan I strongly recommend playing them in release order:

Doom II
Doom 64
Doom 3
Doom 2016
Doom Eternal

Each one very much builds off of the last, so if you go out of order it can feel weird like you're going backwards. Glad you enjoyed it and I'm super looking forward to seeing your impressions of the others! You have an intense and bloody journey ahead of you!!

10 months ago

@cowboyjosh Thanks for the info on the platform field!
I don't own Doom II or 3, however, after playing this game, I am looking into buying both games so I can play them in release order! Whenever I can, I try to finish all of my games in release order. 👍

10 months ago

If you get through the official games (3 is pretty skippable imo) and still want more, this game has an amazing modding scene that's been active since its release. There are some mods that are officially supported on the console ports, but it's also quite easy to set up a fan source port on pc and have access to thousands more, and it will (quite literally) run on a toaster.

10 months ago

@Silverhand ooh, okay. I did see something in Doom 1993 that I thought involved mods but I wasn't sure it was true. I'm definitely going to look into them once I've played through them.