A refreshing polska gamejunk that's more junk rather than game.

The shooting mechanic is almost unplayable and anything but satisfying. Your sniper rifle shots drop down three notches down on 15 meter distance. Your assault rifle shots give you a headache because of how much the screen shakes.
Enemies either can't notice you when you crouch right in front of them or will fire with pinpoint accuracy at your location after discovering a bullet hole in the wall.
The location is a poor mans crysis island level with nothing interesting to see. The plot is nonexistent. And the best point is that opening movie and credits are both showing upside down.

I loved playing this game very much, thank you for asking.

The game clocks in around three hours which is approximately one hour less than a goddamn film about retards in spandex.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
