If I remember correctly, this was initially a resident evil 2 remake gutted by capcom. Good thing developers didn't rage quit to cry on twitter and nurtured their own project instead. It's good thing, right?

Well... definitely not perfect. I want to give credits for couple of things though. The game actually looks good. Not character models, they are horrendous to look at. But the environment is awesome, especially houses. I do believe that somebody is really living or working in those places we went through. But, for fuck's sake, why did you, developer dudes, crammed so much bloody references in the game? It's not like there is any subtlety about it either, it's just there giving "LOOK GUYS WE REMBER" vibe. Someone please punch the dude who inserted all this shit into environments and pay his salary to the other guy who made interiors.

The gameplay is... ok? I have more issue with enemy placements rather than gameplay itself. Developer here loves to spawn enemies right behind you or behind corner making it almost impossible to avoid getting damaged and enraged. It's not like the game reward slow checking of every corner and instead relies on "HAHA GOTCHA" moments. That's the opposite of enjoyable gameplay for me. But, I want to say here, the game gives you enough resources to kill every single enemy and enough healing items on easy and normal difficulties. On hard you will have to suffer in second chapter, but then you'll have no problems stomping every zombie on the way. Surprisingly, I encountered little to no bugs at all. I even purposefully tried to throw a magazine onto moving elevator and even when the magazine dropped through texture in sewers, it reappeared on the floor when I exited the elevator. Yeah, couple of times hit confirm was nonexistent but it was not an issue for any of my playthroughs.

Now let's talk about reload mechanic. It's shit. It feels clunky and unresponsive. I have no issues with magazine management. But why did you make inventory-dependent mechanic in game where you need to look at 10-second animation to access the inventory? You know who did nice bullet and magazine management, along with fast and responsive working inventory? Tarkov. Make a research on it next time you try to do it yourselves.

Oh yeah, the dialogs and voice acting is garbage. Sam isn't even trying to act. Voice lines and subtitles telling different things and please kick the one responsible for voice acting and saying it was good enough for your game in the ass. Thanks.

Overall it wasn't a pain to play through gameplay-wise, but definitely was game design-wise. And fuck those references. And the guy who made them. I'll still play second game though, in hopes of some progress.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2021
