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Regret. That is the only feeling I have after playing this.

So this is a story about mental illness. Which one? Yes.

Second world war is currently in progress. You wake up one day and find out that your twin sister is dead. And she was deaf and mute and you want to carve her face out and place on yours because that's how the stories are made. So for the next two days you pretend to be your deaf twin sister and try to find out who killed her. Of course, you already accuse your mother because she is a crazy bitch who boiled your beloved dog alive and fed it to you because moms, right? Then you find out that your sister was going out with your boyfriend and got pregnant from him, but you're not sure. By the way, your boyfriend is a partisan and is dead :( (credit to nosc87). So, like any sensible person, you decide to cut open your sister's stomach to see what lies inside of her. Then you kill your mom because you didn't want to wake her up. After all that you are sent to asylum where you masturbate till you bleed all over and that's the end.

Yeah, that incoherent bullshit is actually what happens in the game. In addition to this, developer dudes fetish is vintage cameras and you WILL be fucking around with focus, color correction, infrared lenses and all that because that's the most interesting part of the world. In addition to addition to this, performance on pc is so great that no matter what setting you chose you won't get anything more than 10 fps and constant stuttering when turning around. This is also a badly scrapped together walking sim.

Also that goddamn motorboat sound is still ringing in my bloody ears.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2022
