Played it on release, platinumed it recently.

Still think this is a better remake than RE4. Greatly enjoyed feel of police stations' tight corridors and juicy zombie gore. Yeah, we lost scenario B in the process of remaking the game which is a shame, but I still think this is an example of how remakes should be done. I actually felt a little unnerved while playing this. At the day of release I almost came when I heard how the bullet cartridge actually made a sound falling down on the floor.

I also wanted to compare my memory with how controls are made in RE4. And yes, Leon actually controls like a sober human being. No hand tremor, no weird input lag. But we still have a ton of additional animations for rain and falling enemies on you and all that stuff.

As a last point, this game still has the best meat-wall last boss out of all evil presidents. I want a signed postcard from the person responsible for that beauty.

This all came from someone who never actually played original RE2. I mean I tried. But just couldn't.

Reviewed on May 24, 2023
