Still going through the game but it's an awful struggle to do so given how mediocre it is. A relatively decent combat system can't save this game from being the awful chore that it is to play. It's far too ambitious for its own good, sprinkling in a ton of gameplay options yet never really expanding on any of them. What's the point of farming materials from beasts I can capture and redesigning my Room of Requirement if all the implementation of these mechanics are clunkily executed?

So much of the game feels like it just exists to waste your time. I'll be running halfway across Scotland into a dungeon, killing everything in my path without remorse and what's my reward? A pair of ugly fucking glasses that I'll never use. You'll then spend a good chunk of time selling off or discarding shit gear because you've run out of space to pick up even more shit gear. None of the gameplay loops are remotely fun or rewarding.

Then there's the awful story. An insanely vanilla MC whose actions don't reflect the world they're in. You can be a maniacal mass murderer even in front of your teachers, and the plot won't change to reflect it. There's a continuous illusion of choice which would be fine if any of the damn characters were actually interesting as a compromise.

It's just another high budget open world game that takes no effort to actually provide any depth.

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2023
