More like Yawntrail cuz hole ee sheet is this story and its characters putting me to sleep.

My expectations were low for this but Jesus man. I shit you not, it takes three whole hours before hit a monster. Even after that, the story drags on, jettisoning you from one cutscene to the next. It plods along at a snail's pace yet paradoxically fails to immerse you in the new world and its cultures. This may as well be a visual novel with a subscription.

It's like maybe splitting your development team between a massive tentpole production and the newest expansion for an MMO was a bad idea or something.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2024


3 days ago

Don't know where you got that from since if anything every other expansion before this was more likely to be affected by this "giant tentpole production"
I think the same thing. Creative Business Unit 3 always gets shafted on resources and have to make do despite 14's huge profits.