1 Review liked by Henfgt

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I went into this game extremely scared as all I've heard about it, is that it's easily the worst in the series, so when I started I was quite surprised to see that I kind of fucked with the level up system.
It's akin to Skyrim in a way, and unlike the first game, that made random encounters more fun due to not just button mashing A the whole time, I actually strategized each battle, no matter how easy, just so I could carefully level up the stats and skills that I wanted, and not once did I feel the need to hit my own party members to up my HP/def stats. I was well over 2000 HP in the final dungeon which I felt was more than enough.
I thought to myself that it's most likely just because I'm very early into the game and that 'it must get worse', but at the end of the game I still found myself fucking with the gameplay.

The story is also almost engaging at times, I can imagine some kids having their eyes glued to the screen when this first came out, as it's just an all out war.
Characters are dying everywhere, towns get wiped out constantly, and there's actual character moments which was nice to see.
It's still very silly, and your 4th party member which is in rotation for a lot of the game dying everytime they're done with a dungeon is honestly pretty funny and stupid, but I'll take what I can get with these early titles.

The spritework in this version is also incredible, much better than the last game. The cutscenes here reminded me of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's in the best way, gave me a sort of nostalgia kick playing. It looks incredible.

While I wish I could call this a fav to not fall to the popular "gamer" opinion, the dungeon designs are fucking annoying. Trap rooms everywhere, invisible doors for items, and in late dungeons you still have some chests which give you loot from the first 30 minutes of the game, what the fuck is that about?
The 4th slot in your party being mixed all over the place with completely new characters that take up your EXP and items only to die 3 seconds later is dumb, the actual 4th party member literally joins your party in the last hour and a half and he's trash.
The encounter rate is also quite absurd, but I kind of expect that from all of the first 3 games at this point.

Other than that, I had a great time. I honestly don't understand how people like the first game's piss easy mash A gameplay more than this? SHIT IS PEAK.