I mean come the fuck on.

It's almost comical how effortless this whole thing is. I'll confess my regret for not following up on this recommendation when I received it from a friend at least 2 years ago because it's a total masterclass.

When Bowser's Fury, AKA the best platformer of the last decade, released I fell head over heals to praise the innovation made. Finally, someone has cracked the very concept of open-world platforming. No longer are we completely confined to the 'small space lots of stuff, good video game" (Super Mario Odyssey) or the "Big world not enough stuff, bad video game" (Yooka-Laylee) approaches when trying to make open spaces for this genre. Now it can be one enormous, continually evolving space, constantly reinventing itself to stay fresh and exciting.

This game did that first. Not better, to be clear, but this one-man army of a development team cracked the code before anyone else did. I haven't even touched on the fact that everything in this game is perfect because it's so conceptually genius that I barely even register how good the actual game is!

To spare some brief words, the progression system is super unique, and an excellent way of gating off sections without ever feeling like that's what's happening. All the side quests are perfect, actually jumping / gliding feels amazing. The entire world feels ridiculously lived in for one we spend so little time in and the characters, from the writing to the designs, could not be better.

If this man's untitled paper RPG whatever, that looks conspicuously like a spiritual TTYD sequel to me, doesn't come out I will lose it.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2023
