Log Status






Time Played

24h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 23, 2022

First played

September 13, 2022

Platforms Played


Hush Hush is a warm and bright game. Warm in the dialogue that is always flirty and full of banter. Bright in that it is not afraid to be a dating simulator. This is a game for people who like to go on dates with cute girls, it doesn't need to obscure this through parody like other titles. The game also isn't just a "regular bouquet in a bowl" as it goes on it gets more serious in subject matter and treats its characters as real people with their own problems and emotional needs. The core of the gameplay requires you to connect through pathos/empathy and it thoroughly tests your social skills. I don't know if I will ever praise a Social Simulator as highly as this title again in my life, it is just so exceptionally written/performed/drawn and I hope other games follow suit as the medium develops.

Anyone interested in Social Simulators or just enjoys conversing with interesting people should give this game a shot.

I would also like to shout out two of the Voice Actors that elevated their characters beyond what their 10/10 dialogue already did, James Dijit as Dmitri made me understand the appeal of smooth-talking Latino men and swoon. Adrienne Maclain on the other hand is heavily responsible for the first southern belle I have ever hung on every word of. Everyone involved did a great job but those two were otherworldly voice talent.