sometimes when you play a good game it makes you feel more charitable to other games in it's genre, Fallout 1 is so good though that it makes you feel less charitable; forces you to wonder why you'd ever want to play yet another RPG that confuses amount of writing for quality of writing

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2024


13 days ago

rpgs will use fifty paragraphs to explain why someone lost their sock and give every single detail down to the date location and name of their lucky sock

may fallout 1 forever live in a vacuum of non cluttered writing

13 days ago

so true my fellow Disco Elysium fan

13 days ago

@Scamsley you will have 15 companions and each one will almost immediately launch into a monologue about the Traumatic Event In Their Life which has singlehandedly defined them as a person ever since and which you can fix by killing some people and you should because it is the barrier to having sex with them (they will never speak to you again after the sex).
@PELIPOIKA Disco Elysium is a prose story first and foremost, it would be like saying Quake has too many cool gunfights to say it has too much writing.