Love Divinity Original Sin 2, couldn't get along with this. None of the characters grabbed me, I found the overarching plot uninteresting, and the combat, oh, the combat.

Pretty much all of my gripes with the game can be traced back to the D&D Source material. I just think the premade D&D lore is incredibly boring, broadly uninteresting, and usually an ill-fitting mish-mash of ideas that shouldn't really sensibly work together and often don't. The fact that this was also touted as being one of the most accurate translations of D&D combat to a video game ever at first piqued my interest, but in practice I realized I very, VERY much did not want that. For all the balancing faults and somewhat over-reliance on things like buffs, status effects, and environmental interaction, I still VASTLY prefer DOS2's gameplay. DOS2's approach to to turn-based combat is one of my absolute favorite RPG systems ever, while BG3's, which is on the surface similar, crosses over into straight-up unfun to me. Just very boring, which does nothing to contrast or keep me pushing through the character interactions or broader writing, which I also find very boring. It all amounts into a real snoozefest for me, personally.

I can recognize that it is an extremely well-made game and appreciate that it has breathed new life into the CRPG genre (at least in the mainstream), but it is just very much not for me. I've tried three times and finally said enough was enough and gave up. I'm quite happy that Larian has said they will not be making a BG4, and I hope we see a DOS3 sooner rather than later, though I know they also stated that they want to take a break from big CRPGs and explore other avenues.

Reviewed on Mar 29, 2024
