100 Reviews liked by Herodelic

This game was alright for a Max Payne knock off, it had its share of moments, but it was nothing crazy.

Now this game was pretty awesome, I played this game a lot. Kind of a GTA/Max Payne in Mexico. The soundtrack is still iconic to this day.

This game wasn't bad in particular but... something was missing, it was too bland and basic

Surprisingly a good game, with cool gimmicks but nothing amazing for that time. Its a cool game that doesn't overstay its welcome.

Damn this game was crazy fun, its GTA but Simpsons

Classic one, SWAT 4 really made you feel like you are part of a SWAT team and you're busting places looking to arrest criminals.

I remember quite liking this game, can't really say much about it but for a movie licensed game it was above average.

This game was quite bad, I only finished it because it was so bad it actually got me hooked;)))

When i was a kid this game was quite awesome (because you played as a Shark duhh). I guess its nothing amazing but it was supposed to be fun, and it was.

One of the most unique games in my opinion, they dont make games like this anymore. A strategy game where you free and manage Ghosts and Spirits to scare people and drive them to insanity. Great soundtrack and vibes.

Another game i played when i was a kid.
This game is exactly what you would expect it to be, goofy fun time.

I played this game quite a lot, average game. It had some cool soundtrack in it but the dialogue was quite bad:))
Overall an ok game but nostalgia elevates it a bit

This is one of the most 2000ish games, it's got great vibes and a really cool story but unfortunately the game is very slow and it gets boring after a while.

Legendary RTS, it wasn't very complicated or complex in any means but it was very fun to play and it kept you hooked in. The soundtrack is phenomenal.

Damn, this game was a controversial one.
Its supposed to be a game where anything goes and there's some elite shithousery to it;)))