One of the common threads with a lot of these late-period 7800 games is that they're... quirky, and this one is definitely no exception. The actual golfing is incredibly basic; you don't have a selection of clubs, no wind to worry about and things like sand traps and water hazards simply reduce the range of your swing. Instead of putting greens, the game takes you to a boss fight where you throw shurikens at a dragon until it flies away. All you need to worry about is making under par and that's about it. If you're not much into golf games like myself, this isn't that big of a deal, and honestly this was never really destined to be a serious golf game anyway.

The actual meat of the game lies in the side-scrolling portions where you go after your ball between shots, fighting other ninjas and nasties like giant frogs, gophers and sharks (if your ball lands in the drink). This part of the game plays OK, but the collision detection is a bit iffy and your attacks are very limited as you can only kick and throw shurikens (which have a very limited supply).

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023
