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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 11, 2022

Platforms Played


Had hopes for this one, as a big-time admirer of This War of Mine, but was more or less immediately disappointed. The game does indeed play like TWoM, in all the ways that matter most, but worse in every way.

First of all, this isn't even a proper console port where the mouse-driven controls have been converted to ones more suitable for controller, and so you have to drag a cursor around with your sticks. I think Sheltered does that too, but it's kind of unacceptable in both cases. That's not how to console port!

Second, everything here is just kind of...lame. You drag your annoying cursor around to do the survival game basics, but it never becomes anything more than that. You can find seeds and plant them, and so on, but you can for example never really set up an automated system. Or, well, you can if you have access to massive amounts of fuel, but the only time I found oil was when I went to the mine and hacked the right kind of rock, which is incredibly slow and too tedious to be a viable source of fuel (since you also have to wait like a day for 2 oil units to convert into 1 fuel unit and 1 fuel unit ain't shit; a full run with the car costs 20 fuel). Maybe there was more to discover, but I ran out of quests and side quests, of which there are far too few, and the game just sort of ended after four in-game months. And the game has a trophy for surviving eight more months after that, which leads me to believe that the devs thought that the game was much harder and had more depth than it does.

I could go on and into better detail about why this game felt so disappointing, but it's not really worth it. If you're obsessed with side-scrolling survival games, this one will not excite you like TWoM or maybe even Sheltered did, but you won't hate it too much either. It's fine for a few evenings, which is why it's not getting an even lower score, but it's not memorable and I will never be recommending it to anyone.