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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 19, 2022

Platforms Played


Started this excited to have an excuse to play some more BL2, but I quickly remembered that this DLC was never lauded for its gameplay, but for its script. The writing is still fun as ever, but man, did this DLC always suck with the god damn Skeleton Seers that teleport around constantly, the annoying-ass archers that stun you like five times per second and... Well, everything is more or less annoying in this DLC. Orcs are pretty fun to fight, I guess, because they're stupid and not very annoying. Also, this time, they added glitches that weren't there before! I've never had the brother quest in the dungeon glitch out but it did now and none of the corpses resurrected when they're supposed to.

I made it to the ultra-annoying raising platform "puzzle" in the dungeon, the one that has always had annoyingly mismatched platform movement, which just makes it random if you survive or not, and realized that I just wasn't having fun and that this was always my least-favorite DLC on a gameplay level and that, in previous BL2 playthroughs, I always rushed this DLC as hard as possible to unlock the dragons. It was fun to collect the absurdly increased amounts of seraph crystals and eridium in this version, which was satisfying compared to how rare those currencies were in the original, but Borderlands will just never again be what it was back in BL2's prime, will it?