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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 11, 2021

Platforms Played


Like a more fun and shorter House Flipper. Liked it well enough even if there's barely anything to it. Pick up some trash, paint a few walls, clean some graffiti. Everything works even if everything is also in that obviously default Unity FPS style, meaning stale and slow. The graphics are what you'd expect from a work-sim game, meaning drab and most likely stock from some Unity asset kit. You get exactly what you'd expect here, but it's fun enough for what it is.

The game had a pain in the ass trophy for beating it without using any upgrades, so I ended up speedrunning the game a second time and hated the idea at first, but ended up kind of enjoying dashing through the levels I had previously so meticulously cleaned. Oh well, platinum trophy achieved!