This game is exactly what you think it is. You clean up houses and sell them. That's it. You clean up trash, fix the place up and hope to make a profit. Repeat over and over. And over. It's fun at first, but gets quite old quite fast.

While this game is kind of a bridge between dry work simulators and more videogame-feeling, it does lean more to the dry side and there are a few too many tasks that are quite boring and didn't need to be like that. Buying parts is literally a web shop and you have to actually type in what you want and scroll through search results, and things really didn't need to be that dry.

And there really didn't need to be so much painting. This really is Painting Simulator 2018 with a side of cleaning and moving walls and a dash of re-decorating. Paint, paint, paint, a decimeter at a time.

It started out fun and I loved the missions at first, but fully flipping your own house immediately felt like a chore, and I felt over the game after only maybe ten hours of doing more or less the same thing in every mission. There is a lot of content here for those that like it, but it's too tedious and dry for me.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2021
