A neat little dice and deck builder that I did enjoy about a dozen hours of, but ultimately decided doesn't quite reach the full mark and that I'll be moving onto something else.

The game itself is kind of a deckbuilder, but thankfully not in the Slay the Spire school, where you always have the same hand and never draw cards, and instead you roll dice based on what equipment you're wearing (better loot equals more dice) and then you spend the mana from the dice on a deck you build between rounds. So, not like STS at all and that's a welcome change!

You prepare your deck, you move freely through a little world where there are bandit ambushes, camps to replenish food and the occasional little side quest (that is resolved when you discover it). You level up and replace cards in your "deck", as well as trying to find better equipment to rise your number of die. There is normal linear mode as well as a more non-linear adventure mode, where you can explore a larger world than in the regular campaign, which I found surprisingly ambitious.

The game looks good, it plays good and everything is solid, but it's also not exceptional. It is, honestly, a forgettable game and I often found myself remembering that it exists when I saw it in my PS5 dashboard, but it's also an enjoyable time while playing it even if it doesn't feel worth remembering. There isn't much to complain about, but also not much to praise, and after having completed all but one or two of the story campaigns, I feel like maybe I've had enough of this game and that it has served its purpose after some dozen hours. Uninstalling and moving on.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
