An okay game with some cool ideas with serious potential, but nothing about it excited me enough to want to keep playing, and just as I was feeling like I wasn't really into it, the game hit me with the one-two punch of locking me into a challenge room with an enemy spawning outside of it, forcing me to quit the run, and then unlocked a character that was seemingly much worse than the starting one (since her attacks were slower and she couldn't double jump). That just killed the little motivation I had to continue.

It's unfortunate, because there is something here and these developers seem to want to make a good game. There is ambition, and cool ideas, and they've really tried, but none of it was exciting except for the pretty fun mid-run upgrade system. It uses a system where you get to pick from three upgrades when you find an upgrade station, all of which are color-coded, and once you've obtained three of one color, you get a bonus upgrade that is always the same (so red upgrade is always the same), allowing for some strategizing and build planning. The individual upgrades themselves were also pretty nice in that they were all the techy kind of +X% this or that, but for once in one of these metaprogression-obsessed rogelites, the numbers were actually hefty and you'd get +30% base damage here and +20% HP there, instead of the usual, easily coded and super-duper-lame +3% that's become so common in the genre. That part was quite nice and almost kept me hooked, but the pretty dull basic combat where you slash three times, dodge, slash twice, dodge, repeat, etc, and the also too-repetitive level design just made me feel like I should spend my time on something I like more.

As per above, though, this game really isn't terrible and anyone reading this review should still check out the demo if you had any interest to begin with. The game does have one on all platforms, as far as I know, and you might find yourself liking this one more than I did. I've seen some folks around the internet loving it, and I stress again that it's not outright bad, but it's just not something I'm vibing with right now and I'm pretty permanently over these metaprogression roguelites. Someone who's just starting out exploring the genre might adore this game since it does have strong aesthetics and an ambitious scifi world with advanced lore. I don't know, I guess I just feel a little bad about disliking a game with honest intention and earnest effort behind it even though I feel like it doesn't really come together to form an enjoyable whole. Ah, just ignore my review and try the demo.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
