Cute, fun and memorable, but just a bit too lightweight for me. The base mechanics are compelling and entertaining, and I enjoyed exploring and learning how to play each new card and even class I found, but it felt like I was done with the game after having completed the first episode with each class, even though I know there is much content remaining. I just don't see how this game will change or surprise you very much, and it doesn't help that, even though opponents do have their own decks and abilities, the matches end up feeling very similar to each other with little to no variety, due to the incredibly tiny "deck" size. Or, rather, opponents can have decks and draw different hands, but you cannot, so every turn in every match just ends up feeling the same.

Ain't nothing wrong with the videogame equivalent of a sugary snack that's too sugary after a few bites, though. It gets old and I can't finish it, but those first few bites were delicious!

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2021
