A cyberpunk Grimrock sounded like fun, and it was for most of it, but the campaign far outstayed its welcome in the end. I really enjoyed the oldschool style mechanics, having me thinking of everything from the aforementioned Legend of Grimrock to Lands of Lore, and the sweet, if generic, cyberpunk style, as well as the sparse story and the mission-based structure, but the missions were too samey and I don't know why the campaign is 75 weeks when it seems like most people beat it in about 30 and then just have to sit there and repeat the same missions over and over to get an ending.

Maybe the worst part was the low ceiling on upgrades, and how easy it was to cap out once I realized how many "SPUs" I was being drowned in and that I could sell them if I went to the city, since upgrading is always something to strive for even through repetitive missions, but I had all of my gun and skill upgrades before the halfway mark in this one and so the latter half of the game just felt like a pointless drag.

There's a good core here, and I will give it a decent score for the hours of fun I did have running clandestine operations and performing assassinations in dingy hotels, but the game needed some more development time to really bring it home.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2021
