Is it still buying into the hype if you do it like five years later and should know better? I both enjoyed and was disappointed by this game, even though I knew what it was going to be going in. Of course it's going to be a bunch of generic, procedurally generated content that's not really that interesting, and that is what it is. You run a bunch of errands on mostly samey arid planets, with some cool exceptions here and there, and grind materials everywhere you go, as you follow a mysterious plot that's interesting enough to pull you in, but sparse enough that you forget about it as you grind for your 850th ton of whatever. The ground controls are a bit boring with how slowly you move even with a decent mod on, but the ship controls are pretty great and I was really feeling the game when I jumped between planets and systems for the first time.

So, you hop between some planets, do some simplistic side quests of the kill X variety, hop between some galaxies, and then it crashes. Yeah, I was just about to get into this game, and want to keep pushing to see where the plot would go and what there might be to find, as it crashed for the fifth time in as many hours and with that I'm just done. It's fun and cool in many ways, but too shallow and simple to persevere through the crashing, and it should probably always just have been a little indie that could rather than what it became.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2021
