This is the kind of game that just makes you feel good about indie gaming. Made by one man, with musical help from what I assume is his brother, Sheepo is plain old harmless fun that never outstays its welcome and isn't bothered with trying to be anything it's not. This is just a charming and fun little metroidvania that follows the rules of the genre and doesn't really do anything new, but does what it does well enough to be enjoyable, and the game never overstays its welcome as a 100% run clocked in at about 6 hours for me.

If there is one big complaint that I need to throw at the game, it's that there are a few too many seemingly unintentional dead ends. Like I don't think it was the developer's intention to make it impossible to backtrack through certain rooms, but it's either needlessly difficult or straight-up impossible in a few too many rooms for my liking. Thankfully, the game world is small without feeling too small, and getting around isn't especially time-consuming once you unlock the fast travel mechanic, which happens at just about the right time as everything in this game is pretty well-paced and balanced. Difficulty is also just about right in that the game isn't a pushover, but none of the puzzle rooms will have you stumped for days either. The bosses were maybe a bit too easy.

All in all, likeable if perhaps unoriginal little metroidvania that entertains and charms more than it blows you away. Definitely worth checking out for both fans of the genre and fans of the art style, as this low-intensity and non-combat-oriented game design would probably fit more or less every gamer. You just hop around and transform into cute monsters and solve a few puzzles that (outside of one area) thankfully aren't physics puzzles for once. What's not to like?

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
