The Noise was tricky to adjust to. Everything worked slightly differently than how it used to, and I couldn't help but feel as if The Noise was just inferior to Peppino.

That was my initial impression, because a few levels and P Ranks in, The Noise became my preferred way to play Pizza Tower. Instead of taking 30+ hours to trudge through all of the game's content in order to reach 100% completion, I did it here in a third of that time.

Part of this is certainly due to the lack of changes each level has undergone. While powerups go from being completely different to only having minor changes, the layouts themselves are entirely unchanged (I think, there might be some very small adjustments I'm forgetting). This was disappointing to learn, as there really isn't any new content for The Noise to forge a path through. Nothing tailor made to make the most of his skillset, and while said skillset fits like a glove into the game's stages already, I couldn't help but feel waiting longer for something more substantial would have been preferred.

All in all, this really is a New Game+ version of Pizza Tower, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game again. There are a couple of cute twists throughout, but not enough to elevate this to new heights. While The Noise may have made Peppino hard to return to, he's still acting as an invader to that man's campaign.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
