I was putting off playing this romhack. Despite my utter adoration for Pikmin 2 and its caves, I felt as if a game that was just... the caves, would be a little stale. Evidently, I was wrong.

Colossal Caverns is a chaotic mess, which is brilliant. As this is essentially a rougelike, your mileage will vary massively. I had some incredibly memorable moments while playing; bosses overlapping and creating blockades, the Titan Dweevil stalking me through the entire map, long pilgrimages just to get a second type of Pikmin... it's so much fun.

This is Pikmin 2's caves at their apex, you'll be problem solving on the fly and there's never a truly correct solution. There's so much room for customization, for adapation, for shit to hit the fan. It's nonsense, but it's nonsense in the form of a Pikmin game, and I'll definitely be diving back in for seconds, thirds and fourths.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
