There isn't a lot to this game. It's an interesting precursor to the far more stylized Hotel Dusk, but on its own it's a nice story with a middling selection of puzzles and generally mundane exploration.

To give the game some credit, I did enjoy the story. While it was predictable and none of the characters stood out as ones I loved, there were some great ideas, I was generally engaged for the whole (admittedly short) playtime and, ultimately, the emotional core tugged at my heartstrings and I felt myself welling up just a tad towards the end. It's close to something excellent but falls short, being a solid effort which I can't take much fault with.

The puzzles, though, vary in quality massively. There are some unique uses of the DS's features that, disappointingly, I couldn't make the most of because I emulated this one. Notably, closing the system partially and using the reflection of the screens to find a puzzle solution is one of the most genius uses of the dual screen gimmick I've seen. Unfortunately, the actual difficulty of the puzzles was low, with solutions coming to me almost instantly. This was made worse by often not knowing HOW to input my solution. You will have to investigate certain objects multiple times, or after interacting with other things, in order to progress sometimes. It was incredibly frustrating when I knew that an object would be important yet Ashley would refuse to grab it until I'd done something else. There's one instance where you're supposed to remember a small object TWO CHAPTERS back and, after you need it, return to that location to snag it. Irritations are usually small but common and while I can't say I hated any of the game's puzzles, I scarcely enjoyed them.

And, all in all, this game is just good. The gameplay doesn't hold the story back but the story doesn't strive for too much and that's okay. I'm keen to get through the rest of CiNG's library (a shame they went defunct), especially to see how the sequel to this game shook things up.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
