Genre: Charming ghost hunting action adventure | Released: October 2019 | Platform: Nintendo Switch | Developer: Next Level Games | Publisher: Nintendo | Language: English | Length: 15 hours (and felt just right) | Difficulty: Easy, with some moderately harder optional collectibles | Do I Need To Play Anything First: No, it’s pretty stand alone with small Easter eggs to the other games | Accessibility Options: Very poor, Nintendo come on! | Monetization: Single Purchase with optional DLC | Microtransaction: None | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Whacky cartoon violence, very mild ghost frights. Nearly always geared towards comedy | Parenting Guide: E for everyone, which I would personally bump to E10+ due to puzzle elements and the very slight jump scares | How Did You Play It: On my Switch | Did you need a guide: Sadly, yes. The last boss was really frustrating me and I turned to a video, and there was one level that I felt signposted things really poorly and I ended up looking up a solution after wandering for a long time. | Mods: None

Is It Good: I really enjoyed this, it was a delightful romp.

Back of the Box: Mario? Maarrriiioooooo?

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is excellent. It is clearly a labor of love from Next Level Games, with every inch packed with details, humor, and splendiferous animations. While not a masterpiece, this is a charming and fun adventure that is sure to bring a smile to your face. I loved hunting for the hidden gems, some of the puzzles are really clever, and the presentation is absolutely stellar.

This is a unique game and worth a play.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
