Genre: Adventure with light detective elements | Released: 2018 | Platform: Nintendo 3DS | Developer: Creatures | Publisher: Nintendo | Language: English | Length: 10 ish hours | Difficulty: EASY | Do I Need To Play Anything First: No, but you probably should have some knowledge of the Pokémon world | Accessibility Options: None | Monetization: Single purchase | Microtransaction: none | Gambling Elements: none | Content Warning: none | Parenting Guide: mild peril and mild cartoon violence, good for everyone | How Did You Play It: On my Nintendo 3DS | Did you need a guide: Gosh no | Mods: None

Is It Good: It’s fine.

Back of the Box: What Pokémon games should be. Or at least look like.

Detective Pikachu is an average to dull detective game, buoyed by frankly insane presentation and style. This game captures what a world of Pokemon would be like, and for that I enjoyed myself. I have always wanted to play a game as a person in a what feels like a living world, and this game gets closer to that then most. The story is fun in a Saturday cartoon kinda way, butttttt: the movie is better.

Follow me at The Pile for more reviews (including books and films)

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2023
