Genre: Action Adventure + Minecraft 2.0 | Released: June 2023 | Platform: Nintendo Switch | Developer: Nintendo EDP | Publisher: Nintendo | Language: English | Length: 30-200+ hours (I played for 120 before hitting credits) | Difficulty: Moderate | Do I Need To Play Anything First: No, but I would suggest playing Breath of the Wild first | Accessibility Options: Poor when compared to Microsoft and Sony, basic functionality only. Very disappointing for 2023 | Monetization: Single Purchase | Microtransaction: None | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Fantasy violence, mild frightening scenes. | Parenting Guide: Rated E10+ and I agree. Some puzzles may be challenging for younger players | How Did You Play It: On my Switch | Did you need a guide: I looked up some recipes, but never got stuck | Mods: None

Is It Good: It’s just so much fun, I LOVED playing this game. Easily one of my favourites. Masterclass.

Back of the Box: The best $90 expansion I’ve ever played.

I have two thoughts for Tears of the Kingdom.

1. This is some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a game. I devoured this game, it’s one of the best games ever. Full stop. The freedom it offers, the creativity it allows, and the brilliance the team at Nintendo has pulled off is astounding. Don’t listen to anything else I say, if you have a passing interest you are going to love it.

2. I am a bit disappointed, and I feel some elements are greatly lacking. The combat is very ho hum, especially at end game where it becomes a chore of overlong big health bars. The story is somehow… worse then the first, and I am really surprised at how repetitive and dull the main quest is. The last temple and final boss area are… really bad. Like, shockingly poor. The menu navigation during combat is cumbersome, and the quests are often really dull with poor rewards.

I hope Nintendo decides to do one more final game in this style. Make more linear unique dungeons, write a story that is more engaging, improve the quest system, and beef up the combat. I am salivating at the thought.

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2023
