Genre: Arcade Light Whip (gun) action shooter | Released: 2009 | Platform: Arcade | Developer: Konami (boo) | Publisher: Konami (BOO!) | Language: English | Length: 30-45 minutes | Difficulty: Moderate to VERY HARD | Do I Need To Play Anything First: Nope | Accessibility Options: None | Monetization: Quarters, feed me quarters | Microtransaction: QUARTERS! | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Violence, blood, horror themes | Parenting Guide: The game is 15 and up, but I found it pretty tame personally. | How Did You Play It: On my PC with a Wii remote | Did you need a guide: No | Mods: Several, Guide 1, Guide 2, and this discord group will help

Is It Good: It’s fine, has good moments

Back of the Box: One of the rarest Castlevania games is now playable in your home!

So... It’s fine. Using a light gun as a whip to attack ghouls and skeletons is fun, but I found the game really hard in a not fun way. The music is catchy, but I felt the game overstayed its welcome and was glad when it ended.

A fun novelty, but there are WAY better Castlevania games more worth your time.

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2023
