An Absolute Roller coaster of a video game, the story starts off a bit slow but it gets complex and juicy later on, some of these characters are just treated with so much shit, like Makoto, she goes through so many horrible things, and it doesn't get better for her until the end scenes.

The Dual Protagonist system was really fun, I couldn't pick favorites between Kiryu or Majima, both have a unique charms. The gameplay was very versatile letting you switch between 3 styles mid battle. I do have a complaint about how most of the skills are locked behind some bullshit side story which is REALLY annoying to do, both Kiryu and Majima can unlock a business throughout the story, this is all side content but its crucial to unlocking the skill tree and making a lot of money, basically you need to complete all the business missions for unlocking blocks on the skilltree, or unlocking the LEGEND Style at full completion. The LEGEND style for Kiryu is Dragon of Dojima, an explosive and counter style. For Majima its the Mad Dog Style, a knife wielding maniac style with crazy movements and executions, unlocking the Legend style for both characters is a PAIN in the ass... But it is worth it

The music is also really good, it has a 80's disco and pop feel, which is what the game is about anyways...

There is a lot of side content, I spent 38 hours on this game because it's a long game already, and I did a lot of karaoke, dancing, racing, fighting, etc. It was fun to do them which is what matters, when the side content is fun to do then it is done well.

I recommend this game HEAVILY to people who are getting into the Yakuza Series, it IS the prequel anyways.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023
