While clearly inspired by retro-FPS games, Fashion Police Squad puts an interesting twist on the genre by requiring you to solve fashion crimes (defeat enemies) in particular ways. At first I thought this would just be annoying, but I found it made the gameplay pretty hectic and fun in later levels where they throw multiple types of enemies at you at once.

My main complaint lies with the weapon design, some of them just feel clunky to use, and this is an issue since as previously mentioned the game requires you to use all of them. I would dread seeing certain enemy types because I knew I would have to pull out "that" weapon.

The game's swagger also deserves credit here, it isn't the prettiest thing out there but it wears its art style well. The dialogue is cheeky and got a chuckle out of me a few times, and the music ranges from meh to downright bops.

P.S. without saying too much, the final level is very creative and climactic.

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2022
