look. I love kirby. he's my patron saint. I love him and his universe's aesthetic and his franchise's embrace of kindness and eating and naps (the bubblegum religious horror is pretty great too)

I don't always love the games, as I'm not really into platformers, and a lot of this guy's games skew too easy as well

this though! probably the most I'm gonna love a kirby game. really well thought out, crafted, beautifully designed, and it swerved right into unsettling neon pink horror right there at the end

the waddle dee village was great too, and scratched my long enduring city-builder itch. really impressed with this overall

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023


8 months ago

Did this game feel too easy for you? Or was it still enjoyable?

8 months ago

@dobbyshmurda, I'm not a platforming pro and don't tend to care too much about difficulty, so I didn't mind that the first 85% of the campaign is fairly easy? but it rewards careful observation, has a ton of optional difficulty outside the campaign, and does genuinely crank up difficulty right towards the end, especially with some of the bosses

8 months ago

Thank you! I think I'll pick this up soon!