Vanquish is an odd beast. Its story barely makes any sense, but it's so wild and hilarious that it doesn't really need to. A boost/bullet-time gauge and a plethora of weapons encourages fast and dangerous playstyles in a cover-shooter. But despite it all, it's genuinely a great time, albeit quite short.

The only real issues I had with the game were how weapons upgraded, and how your health works. Having to grab multiple duplicates of weapons while your ammo is full really causes you to fall into a trap of using a few specific weapons for the whole game, even if other weapons would be better options in given situations.

This game has that shooter trope of "your health recharges when you're not taking damage", and all that has ever done for me is make it extremely unclear how close to death I really am. Granted, you'll reach critical health or die quickly in Vanquish, but a health gauge to match your boost gauge would've been nice too.

Also, the loading screens have text blurbs that expand upon the game's characters/lore, but alas, my computer is not a 7th gen console, and the game loads in one second flat, before I get the chance to read anything. There also aren't very many secrets or unlockables, which seems odd for a Platinum game, but a highly linear adventure isn't always a bad thing.

Platinum's take on the third-person cover-shooter is definitely a cult classic in my eyes. If you haven't played it, you're definitely missing out. You can even get it on current-gen consoles and PC, you basically have no excuse. Pick it up and give it a shot.

Reviewed on Jul 28, 2021
