I get the impression that most people scoff at this game because all the characters are cute moeblobs drawn by artists who appreciate the anatomy of the female body a liiiiittle too much, and the writing is so pumped full of tropes that it would probably make some puritans gag. I kinda threw my dignity in the trash half a decade ago though, and I'm here to tell you that this game is completely worth it.

Rabi-Ribi's a game about Metroidvania exploration broken up by absolutely raw bullet hell boss fights. You'll find a variety of items hidden about the overworld, including new powerups and moves, and badges that modify your abilities in various ways. While you can collect more moves, the game also has a decent amount of hidden tech that's useful for combat and exploration. You can sequence break the hell out of this game if you understand its mechanics. And on the topic of combat, the bosses in this game are fucking insane. Every single one of them has their own unique bullet patterns to dodge, usually matching the boss's own appearance and demeanor.

Rabi-Ribi looks excellent. Regardless of what you think about its art, the quality of it is really good. The pixel art that surrounds the game is great as well. The soundtrack is all memorable, even having some more atmospheric tracks for exploring certain areas. Music during boss fights is upbeat, electronic, and frantic, perfectly matching the image of dodging absolutely insane bullet patterns.

The writing is definitely going to be a deal-breaker for some people. If you're looking for a logical story, look elsewhere. The game plays most of its tropes up for laughs, and most of it got genuine laughter out of me. Not all of it though. Even I have my cringe limits.

Listen, it's really easy to judge a book by its cover, and this cover is...particularly horny. But I promise you, there's an extremely good game for bullet hell and metroidvania fans alike in here. If you skipped this game solely due to the character art, I implore you to give it an honest shot.

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2022
